Admittedly, I woke up this morning and scrolled through Facebook before getting out of bed. Several posts appeared celebrating the fact that today is International Women's Day. Images and words of brave women, strong women, inspiring women rolled past my eyes. I pondered over what I wanted to say about this notable 24-hour period. A new fitness hobby developed over the past couple of months has me spinning on my mountain bike, stationary, while attached to a trainer. I've never been to a spin class before but here, at home, I crank the tunes on Spotify and pretend to lead my very own session in front of an imaginary group of like-minded ladies (and what a hoot it is!). The first time doing this I tapped open a pre-made Workout playlist on Spotify. The profile photo was of a woman compared to the tank-topped image of a sweaty male. A few songs into the playlist was P!nk's 'All I Know So Far'. Within seconds, that song had my complete attention with lines such as 'Let 'em drag you through hell, they can't tell you to change who you are'. Over the years, other songs by female artists struck chords inside me. A song stands out of the crowd not necessarily because of the musical notes but because of the lyrics. To this day, I can still be brought to tears by some songs; its words resonating so deeply within me. While building up the courage to leave my marriage, it was Katy Perry's 'Roar' that provided motivation. Then tears fell once I'd left with Barbara Streisands' 'My Heart Belongs To Me'. More recently, it's P!nk that fires me up and gets me peddling faster and faster. And in between were songs by other multi-talented and tremendously-voiced women who sang out to me from their hearts. Inspiring me. Lifting me up. Giving me solid reasons for carrying on with my head held high. I salute all the women out there, every single one. Not just today, but every day that this beautiful planet spins through the universe. We all inspire each other and encourage each other. It's an all day, every day endeavour. Thank you, ladies, for being you. Here's to Us.
AuthorLife comes into focus when hiking on a trail. Nature always provides the answer. Archives
October 2024